Creative Directors art guidelines


This show is an opportunity for the creative directors and marketing industry in Sacramento to come together. The show is not juried, as we are celebrating our collective talent and the range of work that will be displayed. This in fact informed our theme of confluence. We look forward to the gathering of industry talent and to the inspiration to be delivered as a collective. 

Guidelines for Participants

  • Participants will sign an agreement that for digital works, no more than two will be printed. Those two will be certified and no more will be run.

  • In some cases works may be completed by entire departments. In those cases, please ensure all contributing artists are credited.

  • Works should be able to fit through a standard door frame size (36"W x 80"H). Works may be split into sections (diptych, etc).

  • This show is, in part, a celebration of the graphic design arts. Work should be designed with industry standard software or tools and be printed on a standard medium for printing. (I.E., this is not a mixed medium exhibition).

  • All works must be ready to hang. All 2-D works on paper must be some form or other: 1) Framed with D-rings/Wire OR 2) Be printed on gallery wrapped canvas (wire not necessary).

  • Works should not contain commercial creative or brands, other than to use for artistic expression.

  • Client work will not be accepted.

  • Works should be original and debuted at this show.

  • Three works from each shop will be solicited. As many as two will be displayed, depending on space and the overall curation of the exhibit. Curation will be performed by the organizers based on discretion and space available.

  • An abundance of large format prints will limit the space we have for display at the show. We recommend working in a variety of size formats, or limiting large formats.

  • We encourage participants to visit the gallery and get a sense of the exhibit space.


May 2017  - Invitations for all participants delivered

June 1  - Deadline for participants to confirm

October 15 - Deadline for the delivery of artwork


VIP and Media Previews will be scheduled and announced.